Managing your finances


Managing your finances. Divide between the needs and desires which is more important precedence. Financial management should be done not only within a company but also to yourself. Here I will notify the appropriate management or management of your finances, especially for students and scholars. you should do when it gets pocket money. Let the students give us the money 150 thousand per week. How can we manage the money is so pretty in one weekend we could even make the rest, the thing to do is:

1. We have to calculate spending per week. Suppose you eat a day 3000, then in a week we eat about 70,000. the remaining approximately 70,000, we separate the money where 70,000 to 70,000 for food and other necessities.

2. Leave money. If we still have the money then we have had 70 000 leaving 30,000 for a deposit, the more the better. But keep in mind adjust to our daily needs. Keep it in a different pocket money earlier. So we already have a savings 30 000 per week.

3. Hold the temptation of lust. As students we sometimes do not resist the temptation to buy is to buy it, like eating. We also want a fancy meal. We may eat the fancy but not every day. Keep in mind that we learn to manage rather than to waste money.

4. Make future plans. We must have conduct targer in savings per week, if you do not have a target then the savings will be depleted gradually.

That's some tips on managing finances for students and scholars. Thank you and good reading

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